Monday, December 20, 2010


"Conservatism and the Rise of Ronald Reagan". United States History. 9 Dec. 2010. U.S. Department
      of State. <>

"Reagan, Ronald Wilson". Collier's Encyclopedia. 1986 ed.

SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on Ronald Reagan.” SparkNotes LLC. 2005. Web.
     Dec. 2010.

Ronald Reagan - Domestic Policies

Ronald Reagan - Foreign Policies

Deregulation - S&L Crisis

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ronald Wilson Reagan: 40th US President

October 27, 1964 (from his nationally televised speech, which he called "A Time for Choosing" but was later simply referred to as "The Speech," in support of candidate Barry Goldwater)
"If all of this seems like a great deal of trouble, think what's at stake. We are faced with the most evil enemy mankind has known in his long climb from the swamp to the stars. There can be no security anywhere in the free world if there is no fiscal and economic stability within the United States. Those who ask us to trade our freedom for the soup kitchen of the welfare state are architects of a policy of accommodation."

  • Reaganomics:
    • "Trickle Down" Theory
    • Decreases in non-military spending
    • Increases in national security/ military spending
    • Deregulation - Savings and Loans Crisis

Social Conservatism:
  • Oppose:
    • Abortion
    • Gay Rights
    • Stem Cell Research
    • Eugenics
    • Euthanasia
    • Secularism, the separation of church and government
  • Strongly Promotes:
    • Nuclear Family model
    • censorship of pornography and anything they view as obscene or indecent
    • Public Morality
    • traditional family values
    • Prohibition: drugs, prostitution, premarital sex, promiscuity
    • Non-Secularism
Conservative Foreign Policy:
  • "Rollback" of Communism - Reagan Doctrine
    • Providing support to rebel groups in communist run nations
  • Invasion of Grenada
    • Overtook the small island after the assassination of Prime Minister Bishop to prevent a communist uprising and instability for the commonwealth
    • sent the message that America is not afraid to use military strength to preserve freedom
  • Iran-Contra Scandal
    • The shipments of arms to Iran to release hostages, and the money from the arms funded the contra in Nicaragua, the rebel group out to overturn the communist leaders
    • Word leaked to media that we were participating in arms deals with terrorists, Reagan denied
    • Reagan later admitted to the scandal, and while some doubt was raised as to the integrity of his administration, he remained popular among the people.

  • Primary Promise:
    • Decrease the size and power of the government
    • Rebuild military power: "Peace through Strength"
    • Restore traditional family values
  • Domestic:
    • Cut taxes, which was felt by all social classes, but none as predominantly as the upper class
    • Funding cuts or increases in restriction limits in programs designed to help the poor: welfare, Medicaid, government funding for education
    • Deregulated banks, opening up the pathways for loans to be given out without much financial guarantee - led to Savings and Loan Crisis
  • Foreign Policy:
    • Reagan Doctrine: Providing aid to rebels and guerilla groups to help "rollback" the Soviet Union
    • Invasion of Grenada to prevent Marxist uprising, also sent message that America will use military force to protect freedom
    • Iran-Contra Scandal: Arms for Hostages and funding anti-communist rebels in Nicaragua
Invasion of Grenada:
"Conservatism and the Rise of Ronald Reagan". United States History. 9 Dec. 2010. U.S. Department
      of State.
"Reagan, Ronald Wilson". Collier's Encyclopedia. 1986 ed.
Ronald Reagan - Domestic Policies
Ronald Reagan - Foreign Policies
Deregulation - S&L Crisis
Tribute Video

The Social Aspect of Christianity and Conservatism

There are two very important questions regarding abortion:  Is an abortion morally right for the woman? And if a woman decides to have an abortion, should the government veto the decision? There are many answers to these questions, but they all fall under two different categories: pro-life and pro-choice.

Pro-life- believed that a human life, in any form, whether it is an adult, a baby or recently conceived embryo, is entitled to their basic rights; most importantly, the right to live.

Pro-choice- believed that the woman should have a choice if she wants to continue the pregnancy or not, and the government should not interfere whatsoever.

The women in the 60’s receiving abortions were terrorized and harassed. They would go to the doctor and some would turn them away if they could not pay $1,000 dollars in cash. They often didn’t use anesthesia and they would be rough or sadistic. One woman is an excellent example of this. She said “With one exception, the doctors whom I asked for an abortion treated me with contempt, their attitudes ranging from hostile to insulting. One said to me, ‘You tramps like to break the rules, but when you get caught you all come crawling for help in the same way.’'' They were tortured through diseases and complications in the abortion process, name-calling, riots, mail bombs, and even the doctors speeding through the process without being sanitary.

Christians and Conservatives viewed homosexuals and bisexuals as sinners. They believe that homosexuality was hated by God and immoral. They didn’t believe that being with a partner of the same sex was right in any sense.

They started rallies and protests, they made signs and insulted men and women by calling them names such as “fag” or “gay”.  Many Christians and Conservatives saw homosexuals as a threat to their culture, the institution of traditional marriage and religious freedom.

These issues are still controversial to this day.
Barack Obama's views on abortion and same-sex marriage.

The Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC)

Founded in 1985 and led by Tipper Gore, Senator Al Gore's wife. The other members in the group were Susan Baker( wife of Treasury Secretary James Barker), Pam Howar (wife of Washington Realtor Raymond Howar), Nancy Thurmond, and Sally Nevius (wife of Washington City Council Chairman John Nevius).

The groups aim was to shed light on what was being broadcast through means of the radio and television at that time.The PMRC spoke out against certain artists' material, deeming it inappropriate for children and wanted these songs to stop being broad casted.

'According to Tipper Gore, the PMRC was formed to alert the public of "the growing trend in music towards lyrics that are sexually explicit, excessively violent, or glorify the use of drugs and alcohol." '

'According to Tipper Gore, "this change in popular culture co-existed with the breakdown of the nuclear family.'

A list was compiled called "The Filthy Fifteen", on the list were fifteen popular songs that they believed dealt with very mature topics such as sex, violence, and drugs.
The rating system was as follows:

V for violence
O for references to the occult
D/A for overuse of drugs/alcohol
X for harsh sexual content

Judas Priest -- "Eat Me Alive" -- Rated X
Motley Crue --"Bastard" -- Rated V
Prince -- "Darling Nikki" -- Rated X
Sheena Easton -- "Sugar Walls" -- Rated X
W.A.S.P. -- "(Animal) F--K Like a Beast" -- Rated X
Mercyful Fate -- "Into the Coven" -- Rated O
Vanity -- "Strap on Robbie Baby" -- Rated X
Def Leppard -- "High n' Dry" -- Rated D/A
Twisted Sister -- "We're Not Gonna Take It" -- Rated V
Madonna -- "Dress You Up" -- Rated X
Cyndi Lauper -- "She Bop" -- Rated X
AC/DC -- "Let Me Put My Love Into You" -- Rated X
Black Sabbath -- "Trashed" -- Rated D/A
Mary Jane Girls -- "My House" -- Rated X
Venom -- "Possessed" -- Rated O

In the fight against these themes, the PMRC got multiple recording companies to put parental advisory stickers on albums that have certain material like that of the Filthy Fifteen.

Prior to that happening, the Senate held a hearing on what was called "porn rock".
Musicians Frank Zappa, John Denver, and Dee Snider testified at the hearing to protect their music.

 Snider's main goal was to disprove the accusations Gore and the rest of the PMRC had against Twisted Sister in ways of what their lyrics meant and the way the PMRC interpreted them as.
Video from the documentary Metal: A Headbanger's Journey.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christian Fundamentalism

Fundamentalism is a term used to describe strict adherence to Christian doctrines based on literal interpretation of the Bible.

Fundamentalists insist on belief in the inerrancy of the Bible, the virgin birth and divinity of Jesus Christ.

Most Protestant denominations in the U.S. felt the division between liberalism and fundamentalism. Baptists, Presbyterians, and Disciples of Christ were more affected than others.  The talk of schism was much more common than actual schism itself.

The popularization of the liberal response by representatives like Harry Emerson Fosdick well publicized divisions among fundamentalists.

Conservatives were out of power at the National level.

Fundamentalist Christians were particularly concerned about the increase in crime and sexual immorality.

Group came about in the 1980's called the Moral Majority. It was led by a Baptist minister Jerry Falwell.

Pat Robertson led an organization called the Christian Coalition, which became a potent force in the Republican Party by the 1990's.

Another big issue for the Conservatives was the case of Roe v. Wade. This was a Womens right issue to abortion.